
14 August 2014

How are you going to change the world?

UoG  new tagline - How are you going to change the world?
I read and think through this question every morning I pass by this fence around the Students Union's building at the junction of University Avenue and Otago Street, which is currently undergoing reconstruction.

I ask my self this question 2-3 times while walking along this site in the midde of busy morning traffic.

Until today, to be honest, I do not have a clear answer to the question, although some parts of my brain did send some sparks.

I have poverty in mind, as the main problem that I wanted to put my head around and do something about. But how am I really going to change the world with it, is still vague for me. Yes, eradication of poverty will certainly change the world for the better, but there have been so many people working on poverty alleviation.

Despite the World Bank, Jeffrey Sachs, Bod Geldof, Millenium Development Goals, Abhijit Banarjee, Muhammad Yunus, or Bono, poverty sustains. Yes, the number of poor people gloablly has declined over the years, but many of them have been put back below the line by famine, inflation, war, diseases, and geopolitics. Or, if poverty does decline in one region or country, it will rise and sustain in the many others.

Pessimistic it is, but this is how far I have gone in trying to asnwer this unsettling question the University of Glasgow has put up on a construction site! My morning walk to the office couldn't have been better.

So, how am I going to change the world, exactly?!

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